How Robin Colucci Empowers Authors to Create Revolutionary Books
Chatting all things publishing with Robin Colucci from World Changing Books!
We recently had the opportunity to chat with Robin Colucci, founder of World Changing Books! Robin is more than a book coach—she’s a guide, mentor, and strategist for thought leaders ready to see their expertise and ideas become a lasting legacy that changes the world.
Could you share a bit about your background and explain how you entered the publishing industry?
When I was a kid, I read All the President’s Men and became inspired by Woodward and Bernstein and how they broke the Watergate story. And by high school, I had developed enough interest in journalism to do a summer internship at a local tabloid-style community paper. I entered college at George Washington University as a journalism major, and besides being on their gymnastics team, my other two extracurricular activities were writing articles for the college newspaper, the GW Hatchet, and being an editor on the school’s literary magazine, the GW Review.
By my sophomore year, I had the good fortune to be hired as a News Aide at The Washington Post. It was a surreal experience, going to work every day and seeing Bob Woodward and Ben Bradlee “at the office.” To me, they were larger than life. As I got into the day-to-day, I got to know some of the reporters, editorial writers, and desk editors, and I learned a lot about excellence and what great journalism looks like from the inside.
Right before graduation in 1986, the Journalism Department chair called me into his office and said, “I’ve recommended you for a job with a New York Times bestselling author as his research assistant. If he offers it to you, I recommend you leave the Post to take it.”
I protested at first but agreed to go with an open mind, and I ended up following his advice and accepted the position with David Wise, who was, at the time, arguably the leading expert investigative reporter on the subject of espionage between Russia and the U.S.
Working with David for three years, I researched and copyedited three books: The Samarkand Dimension, a spy-thriller novel published by DoubleDay and edited by Jacqueline Onassis. Democracy Under Pressure (pub. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich), which was, at the time, the #1 selling intro to political science textbook in the U.S. And finally, The Spy Who Got Away (pub. Random House), a true spy thriller story about Edward Lee Howard who was fired from the CIA right before he was to be deployed as station head in Moscow, sold secrets to the Russians, and while under FBI surveillance, escaped and fled to Moscow.
At the end of that project, David helped me get a job as a newspaper reporter in Central Florida. I soon discovered it did not operate under the same high standards as The Washington Post, and I found it intolerable. I also felt allergic to the Jim Crow culture still very much alive in the area, so I quit.
I thought I was done with writing and publishing, so I moved to Denver and started a personal fitness training business, which I grew for 10 years, from 1990 to 2000, and then sold out my share to my former partner (and husband).
I then went and got my master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. At first, I thought I’d be a business coach for wellness professionals. I had a few clients and helped them get some great results. Then one of them said, “What I really want to do is write a book.” And I said, “Oh, I can help you with that!”
What inspired you to found World Changing Books?
Once I started book coaching, I also got a job as an acquisition’s editor for an indie publishing house. I saw a lot of proposals from great people who clearly were real experts with tons of value to share, but their book ideas were terrible. And it was not in my job description to help them tweak it. With a never-ending stack of pitches to sift through, I simply couldn’t make the time.
It was then that I saw my true calling, which was to get to aspiring authors before they approach agents or publishers and help them craft concepts that the industry will actually want and buy, and to help them write an excellent book!
Many authors feel overwhelmed at the idea of getting a literary agent and navigating the world of traditional publishing; what advice do you have for authors who want to find a literary agent and publish their book through a traditional publisher but aren't sure where to start?
I’m only going to speak to nonfiction here because with fiction, the decision is so subjective, it is frankly, a lot harder to control your outcomes.
The first thing is to make sure you’re in a strong position to begin with. This means that ideally, you have the following:
Many years of experience with the subject you intend to write about. Or the willingness and ability to research it and write about it (think Michael Lewis).
A unique perspective on how the work in your area could be done better, or how to help other people get similar results as you, or how we might change policy or our modus operandi to create better systems.
An audience that already is interested in what you have to say and is already buying something from you.
Now, do you need to have all three to start? No. But you’d better have the first two. Provided they have the budget and the willingness to take the steps, we take on clients who have the first two but need to do some work to develop an audience, and we even assist them in hitting those milestones.
I’ve met a lot of people who want to skip ahead to writing a book about something they’ve got zero experience in with the idea that they can use a book as the foundation to create a business. I believe this is a giant mistake. The proper way to use a book as a business asset is to use it as a tool to grow an existing business. And you can only do that if you’ve got some real-world experience with the subject matter.
In a recent podcast episode, you discussed that many authors often think that being an expert is enough to secure a book deal, but in actuality, there are other elements involved. Beyond expertise, what should authors bring to the table to catch a traditional publisher or agent's attention?
Agents mainly look for three things: a unique, salable concept, a strong author platform, and an excellent book proposal. You’ve got to show the agent and publisher that your book topic is unique, relevant, and something your ideal reader already knows that they want. (Notice, I did not say what you think you know that they need.) Then you need the author platform to show them that you can and will sell books. This is all communicated through an excellent book proposal.
Agents and publishers are often on opposite sides of the table, but they have one thing in common, neither one of them makes any money on your book until someone buys it, so you must demonstrate that by signing you they’re making a good bet.
Approximately how long do you find it takes for authors to publish their books traditionally from the time they start querying agents until their books are published?
I’ve seen it all over the place. From 6 months to a couple of years. The variables are: how long it takes to get an agent, the temperature of the industry (publishers go through “spendy” periods as well as tightfisted ones), and finally, the publisher’s publishing schedule. Believe it or not, a publisher’s schedule can hold up a book for months. For example, with one client, we turned in (and they accepted) a manuscript in August of one year, and it didn’t come out until 7 months later, in March because the subject matter tends to sell better in early spring.
When do you recommend an author go the traditional publishing route versus publishing with an indie or hybrid publisher or self-publishing?
I always say that this should be a strategic decision and not based on ego. Traditional publishing is often the best route when your background and reputation command it (already a well-known expert or a public figure), or if maximum credibility is vital to your success. When you have a controversial topic, there is no substitute for the gravitas a book deal can lend to credibility, especially now that self-publishing is so ubiquitous.
Hybrid Publishing can be a great option if you don’t have a big platform, but you do have a plan to sell books, especially if you’re going to sell direct through speaking. And/or if you have a niche topic with a smaller, but highly interested audience.
For example, we had one client with a niche topic who had a decent platform and intended to sell most of her books through speaking. We hooked her up with a hybrid publisher who charged a reasonable fee for production costs and gave her an 85% royalty on sales, which is way above the 10% royalty that’s typical with traditional.
A true hybrid publisher will be selective and treat you more as a partner than a customer. On the flip side, beware of vanity presses. They often present themselves as ‘hybrid,” but will take on anyone who can write a check and generally charge exorbitant fees for production, “book marketing,” and “distribution,” which usually include a “plug and play” setup, which costs the publisher next to nothing, but they’ll charge the client thousands of dollars for these kinds of “services.”
Self-publishing—Also can be a viable option when you’re selling direct through speaking and other events, or you’ve written the book for a tiny audience—say your private clients only, or your children and grandchildren, or it’s just a passion project that you’ve always wanted to complete. Just don’t make the mistake of skimping on design and layout, or printing. You want the book to look and feel like it was traditionally published. So, get a designer whose work samples look professional, and let them do their job.
Understand that your reader doesn’t know what makes a book look and feel “right,” but they do notice when it feels off. So, not knowing what it is that’s off...they just might think there’s something off about the content...or the author, when the real issue is an amateurish layout and design.
Beyond what we've discussed, what are some common misconceptions you hear about traditional publishing, finding a literary agent, etc.?
If I were to add one more thought that can save your readers (and agents and publishers) a ton of frustration and wasted time, it’s the misconceived notion that any agent or publisher will be so impressed with your book proposal or idea that they will disregard everything they’ve posted on their website about what kinds of work they’re interested in. It’s not only futile, it’s disrespectful, and it can tarnish your name for future opportunities. Before you submit anything to any agent or publisher, check first to ensure that your proposed book is in their wheelhouse.
What are some common challenges authors have when publishing their books that we may not have discussed?
I think the biggest challenge is to actually sell enough copies of your book for it to have an impact. It is so much harder than anyone even begins to fathom beforehand.
I believe anyone who’s ever published a book, whether they acknowledge it or not, carries within some little fantasy about how their book is going to be one of the few that wins the Mega Powerball Lottery and, by some miraculous series of fortuitous events, “catches on” and becomes a perennial bestseller.
It won’t.
It takes work. Consistent, everyday work, for not weeks, not months, but YEARS of promoting, for any book to really get its legs to the point where it takes on a momentum of its own and keeps on selling even after the author is dead and gone. That, to me, is the panacea, the ultimate success. When your book outlives you and enables your wisdom to echo through time and provide value to future generations.
What is the most rewarding part of helping authors publish their books?
Knowing I’ve helped unlock world-changing ideas trapped in amazing people’s minds and get them into a published book where those ideas can spread and be implemented to make the world better for everyone.
Is there anything else you think our readers should know?
If it’s really important to you to write and publish a great book, you can do it. And you will do it if you get the right help and start and never quit until you get there.
You can find Robin in the following places:
(Twitter) X: @Robin_Colucci
Robin, thank you so much for your time and expertise!
If you are writing a book and want a hand, let us know! Our team—Kim, Emily, and Jean—would love to help you with creating your book. If you'd like to talk about your idea or want advice, we are here for you. Even if we don't work together, I'm happy to share what I know. Book a 30-minute complimentary consultation by clicking here:
We look forward to hearing about your incredible book project.
Write on!
Kim Eley
KWE Publishing
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
–C.S. Lewis
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After speaking with Robin, we also wanted to share her podcast with fellow podcast-lovers! On The Author’s Corner, Robin covers a variety of topics ranging from AI in writing to tips on creating enticing book covers—and much more. We also love that Robin interviews various guests from all different backgrounds, allowing listeners to hear in-depth thoughts on all aspects of reading, writing, and publishing!